We are always seeking talented individuals!

If you are interested in pursuing an internship, a PhD, or a postdoc position, please don't hesitate to reach out to us
sydneylu@stanford.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The Lu laboratory is searching for a highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow for basic and translational studies at the interface of RNA processing, immunology and cancer. The candidate should have a PhD and/or MD degree in the field of molecular biology, immunology, hematopoiesis, computational biology or related fields.


Our laboratory has exciting research projects directed toward understanding the role of RNA processing in regulating immunity, as well as projects focused on the therapeutic targeting of altered RNA processing in cancer and immune dysfunction.

We are especially interested in understanding how RNA processing regulates the development, selection, and function of T cells under physiologic conditions and in anti-tumor immunity, as well as the therapeutic targeting of neoantigens derived from alterations in RNA processing in the context of cancer immunotherapy. Our interdisciplinary studies utilize patient samples, genetic engineered animal models, recombinant viral vectors, classical biochemistry and immunological methods, as well as high-throughput transcriptomic and mass spectrometry approaches.

The Lu laboratory is established in the Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, at Stanford Medical School. We are located in the Center for Clinical Sciences Research (CCSR) building in the heart of the Medical School campus. The medical school, associated hospitals, and the wider Stanford University campus host laboratories representing an enormous diversity of world-class research spanning the entirety of biomedicine. The vast resources within the School of Medicine and Stanford University will help to facilitate the success of the applicant′s projects and enable to establish collaborations with other laboratories.


The successful candidate will be self-motivated, keen to acquire new knowledge and skills, and eager to collaborate to produce novel scientific discoveries. The candidate is expected to have strong organizational and record-keeping, as well as effective written communication skills to publish results. Existing skills and interest in computational approaches to the analysis of large transcriptomic and proteomic datasets a plus.

To inquire please send a CV, a statement of research interest including a description of experience in immunology and molecular biology or genetics, names and contact information of three references to sydneylu@stanford.edu